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About AdSpy
- No.1 IG Automation Tool
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AdSpy review by AFFcoupons
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Adspy Coupon Code, Promocode, Discount Codes of 2022 $75
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Adspy Coupon Code, Promocode, Discount Codes of 2022
“Adspy is a powerful Facebook and PPC Spy tool. PPC itself is highly dynamic and competitive. Adspy boasts the largest database of Ads with over 72 Million Ads from over 12 million advertisers across 189 countries. Generally, it helps you to spy and copy your competitors’ ad campaigns – “
- Massive database
- Unrivaled network of providers
- Enhanced search
- Affordable
- The account can be shared with no limits
- Searches often time out
- Some feature Ads are spammed on Facebook
Other Spy Tools Coupons
This is our detail-rich AdSpy Review featuring an Exclusive AdSpy Coupon Code and interesting facts about AdSpy Free Trial.
A few years ago, social media platforms were simply online spaces for people to connect. In fact, advertisers basically used social media platforms to reach out to their audience.
But now, social media is dominating the digital marketing arena. On top of that, social media has changed the way advertisers approach digital advertising altogether.
Gone are the hard sales pitches. Now, consumers have more power of choice over the Ads they see all thanks to social media. At the same time, advertisers have had to overhaul their tactics.
Perhaps the biggest shift in the digital advertising market with respect to social media Ads is the learning curve. In actuality, the concept of social media Ads is new to everyone. This has, in turn, created a thirst for knowledge as advertisers look to each other for insights. And this is how Social Media Spy Tools came to be.
Today, we shall be discussing one of the most powerful social media spy tool known as AdSpy. Our AdSpy Review will feature lots of goodies including an Exclusive AdSpy Coupon and AdSpy Free Trial.
About Social Media Spy Tools
Social Media Spy Tools are the proverbial boat that came to rescue drowning digital marketers. Essentially, Social Media Spy Tools made it perfectly okay to snoop on your competitors and steal their ideas for your own benefit.
Now, all digital marketers, novices and veterans use Social Media Spy Tools to learn from each other and improve the advertising experience for their audiences.
As we speak, the market is saturated with different Social Media Spy Tools. In fact, choosing the right one is a task by itself. But don’t worry, we have already done the research. You will soon find out why AdSpy should be on your list of must-have Social Media Spy Tools.
Ultimately, when you add our incredible AdSpy Coupon Code to the mix, it couldn’t get any better!
So, let’s get into it.
What is AdSpy?
AdSpy is the true definition of a powerful Social Media Spy Tool. More specifically, AdSpy caters to Facebook and Instagram Ads. It is also hands down, the largest searchable database for Facebook and Instagram Ads.
Aside from that, AdSpy is also a formidable PPC Tool. PPC is complex and definitely a world away from Social Media Spy Tools. For this reason, we shall devote this AdSpy Review to discussing the Social Media Spy Tool rather than the PPC Tool. Later, we can tackle AdSpy as a PPC Tool in a separate review.
Currently, AdSpy displays 81.9 million ads and counting. Further, the platform features Ads from 13.6 million advertisers in 198 countries across the world. As you can imagine, such a large database must cater to different nationalities which is why AdSpy displays Ads in 88 different languages.
In a nutshell, AdSpy allows advertisers to:
- Uncover new and interesting Ad campaigns
- Save time and money on split testing
- Spy and copy their most successful competitors
- Discover new markets and demographics
- Search and Filter Ads by what is relevant to them
- Scout and exploit thriving new products
As you can see, AdSpy tries to cover all the bases when it comes to spying.
Now you have a feel of what AdSpy is all about. Next, we shall be showing you how AdSpy works and how it can propel your advertising efforts to new heights.
Lest you forget, we have an AdSpy Coupon Code awaiting. Also, keep up to find out how to take full advantage of the AdSpy Free Trial.
How Does AdSpy Work?
Like all other Social Media Spy Tools, AdSpy strives to provide you with the latest, hottest, and most relevant Ads. You can search for any Ad using AdSpy’s Advanced Search Tool.
As a matter of fact, you can search by Ad Text, Site Type, Media Type, Advertiser, Affiliate, and so on. Additionally, you can filter your results by Gender, Ages, Created Between, Seen Between, Daily Likes, Total Likes, and Buttons among others.
*Buttons represents a Call To Action drop-down menu that you can use to filter your Ad results by their CTA. Examples include Apply Now, Get Tickets, Download, and Contact Us just to mention a few.
Keep reading our AdSpy Review for tips on how to beat the AdSpy Free Trial plus a bonus AdSpy Coupon Code just for you!
Where To Begin
The first step is obviously setting up an AdSpy Account.
Go to the AdSpy website and click on the signup button. The signup process is pretty flawless. Basically, the main details needed include:
- Email Address
- First and Last Names
- Passwords
- Company Name is optional
Soon you will be all set up and ready to log in. Once you sign-in, the first thing you will see is the Search Tool.
AdSpy is ever working to improve its search tool. As a matter of fact, check out this AdSpy search tool from just a few weeks ago.
Notice all the additional search and filter options. Now, you can add Created Between and Seen Between to your filter options in place of Seen After. Also, AdSpy added the following filters to the mix.
- Countries
- Languages
- Buttons
- Advertisers
- Technologies
- Networks
This is just an overview of the AdSpy Advanced Search Tool. Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of it.
How to Search
Begin by typing keywords into the Ad Text provision.
Essentially, this section allows you to choose which areas of the Ads to focus on.
For instance, if you want to find Ads based on the Keywords in the Ad Text, then simply type in the Keywords in the provision next to the “Ad Text” option.
However, if Ad Text is not your focus, you can also search for Ads based on Keywords in the Comments or Landing Page or Advertiser. To do this, click on the drop-down menu icon beside Ad Text to access additional options.
You can select any of these options as the basis for your search. This feature alone narrows down your search by a mile.
- Comments
- Advertiser name
- Landing Page URL
- Landing Page Text
AdSpy is so granulated that it allows you to preview the results at any stage of your search and filter. This way, you can immediately determine if your search and filter efforts are headed in the direction you want.
For example, if you want to search for cheap holidays in the comment section, just select “Comments” from the drop-down menu and type in “cheap holidays” in the provision. At this point, you can already click preview to see the top Ads featuring the “cheap holidays” keywords in their comment section.
Suppose you have a number of keywords that you want to apply to your results. This is where the “Add to Filters” button comes in.
For Example
Case in point, if you want to run a search with the keywords Fitness tracker, Exercise band and Posture correction belt in the Ad Text. Simply select Ad Text from the drop-down menu and then type in your keywords one at a time in the provision. After each keyword, click “Add to Filters” and your keyword filter will show up at the bottom of the search box.
As you can see, our filters now include:
- Fitness tracker
- Exercise band
- Posture correction belt
Ultimately, the Ads at the bottom of the search will be featuring your choices of keywords. If you change your mind about the particular search and keywords, simply click on “Clear All” to begin on a clean slate.
What if you cleared all before you were done?
Adspy provides the all-important “Undo” button right next to the “Clear All” button. This way, you can restore your search and filters.
Even though we are not done yet, you can clearly see AdSpy is a Spy Tool to reckon with. Our AdSpy Coupon Code will make the wait worthwhile as will our interesting twist on the AdSpy Free Trial. Keep reading.
Advanced Filters
Below the Ad Text search are the filter options aimed at drawing you closer to your optimal results. Let us talk about each.
- Site Type: gives you the option to choose between Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, or both
- Media Type: lets you choose Photo Ads, Video Ads, or both
- Advertiser: is where you can key in the Advertiser’s Username or User ID
- Gender: lets you choose Male, Female, or both
- Technologies: carries all the indispensable tools used in Digital Marketing including WooCommerce, KISSmetrics, and Amazon Webstore among others.
- Created Between: allows you to choose the time frame when the Ad was created.
- Seen Between: lets you choose the time window when the Ad was viewed
- Countries: allows you to select your target geographical locations
- Ages: is where you select the age-group you would like to target
- Daily Likes: allows you to filter results based on the number of Daily Likes. This ranges from 0 to 1000+
- Total Likes: lets you filter based on the total number of likes. The range is 0 to 100,000+
- Networks: here you can choose the networks on which the Ad is running. Options include AboveAllOffers, AdCombo, Clickbank, CPALeads, and Mobave among others.
- Language: lets you choose from the 88 languages offered by AdSpy
- Affiliate: is where you type in the Affiliate ID or Offer ID
- Buttons: this is a very special filter that allows you to filter results by their CTA. *We spoke about it earlier.
These are all the options offered in the AdSpy Search Box.
How to Save Your Search
In the end, if you want to save your search, click on the “Save Current Search” button, give your search a name and save.
The moment you want to retrieve your search, click on the “Select Search” button right next to the save Search Button. You will see a list of all your saved searches. Click on the one you want.
And finally, as far as filters go, you can filter your results by:
- Dates (oldest on top or recent on top)
- Engagements (Likes, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, Angry, and Shares)
- Longest Running
Simply click on the drop-down menu icon shown below to choose your preferred option.
We are done with AdSpy’s Search and Filter options. Obviously, the options are vastly detailed and perfect for any search you may want to conduct.
We suppose you are waiting with bated breath for what comes next. Raise your expectations because we are yet to reveal our unbeatable AdSpy Coupon Code as well as the most interesting AdSpy Free Trial titbit.
Ad Analytics
At some point, you will find an Ad that resonates with your field. Viewing Ad Analytics is naturally the next step.
AdSpy makes this pretty simple for you.
For starters, right off the Ad, you can tell:
- If the Ad is running on Facebook or Instagram
- The Advertiser running the Ad
- Time frame (Created On dates and Last Seen dates)
- Social engagements
- Target demographic (Age and Gender)
- Country
Second, if you want to see more analytic details, click on the round small letter I icon at the top right corner of the Ad.
As a result, you will be able to see Ad details including:
- Landing Page URL and screenshot
- Outgoing URLs
- Redirects
- Demographics (Gender, Countries, Age groups)
- Technologies
Suppose you want to see the original Ad. Again, this is pretty simple to do.
Click on the little arrow-like icon at the top right corner of the Ad. It will take you straight to the original Ad either on Facebook or Instagram.
One more thing; if you want to view all the Ads from a specific Advertiser, click on the Advertiser Icon. Again, the Advertiser Icon is the little box image next to the Facebook Logo (view the image above).
That is pretty much everything you can expect as far as AdSpy Ad Analytics go. To reiterate, it is a lot. In fact, AdSpy does provide all the details you need to launch and run a successful Ad campaign off the ideas of your competitors.
We know you are curious about our AdSpy Coupon Code and the elusive AdSpy Free Trial, be a little more patient.
Download Ad
You can easily download any ad from Adspy. After clicking on the info symbol (“i”) you will land on a page containing the complete ad details. Just beneath the ad you will find the download button and as you click on it the ad will be downloaded.
View Best Comments
If you wish to check out the opinions of people, you can find them in the comments section. Below the ad, you can find “View Best Comments” button and by clicking on it you can see the comments. This helps you to analyze the positives and negatives of the product. Hence you can easily decide whether to promote the product or not.
Gender, Country & Age Group
AdSpy lets you know the target demographics like gender, country and age group that the ad is focused on. By viewing it, you’ll get an idea on where the product is trending, who uses it and where to sell it exactly, so that you will get high profits.
Likes Over Time
Likes give you an idea about the taste of your customers. If a product has the maximum number of likes, the chances of the product to sell better is high. AdSpy gives you all these insights just within fraction of seconds. By looking at the likes over time of an ad, you will get to know how the ad has evolved over a time period.
Landing Page
AdSpy provides you the full details of the ad landing page. You can effortlessly discover an ads Landing Page Screenshot, Final URL, Outgoing Links, Redirects, and Technology.
AdSpy Pricing
Here we are!
AdSpy is as easy like Sunday morning when it comes to pricing.
What do I mean?
AdSpy only offers one pricing option for all its users. And that is $149 a month.
This is the best part; hold on to your hat.
We have an Exclusive AdSpy Coupon Code for our Affcoupons readers! Snatch up this opportunity to pay less for a premium product!
There’s more!
Our AdSpy Free Trial tips:
- Technically AdSpy does not offer a Free Trial, just free credits.
- You will receive your free credits upon signup
- Use them sparingly to test out the tool
- Do not run complicated searches or scroll endlessly, most of your credits will be used up this way
- Instead, use your free credits to explore what AdSpy has to offer.
So, there you have it. In a way, the AdSpy Free Trial is a thing, you only need a friend – wink – to tell you how to navigate. Ultimately, our AdSpy Coupon is the best deal you will get in the market. Use our One-Time-Only-Offer link to grab your discount now!
Advantages of AdSpy
- Excellent time saving spy tool
- Has the biggest ever ad database for Facebook and Instagram ads
- Super fast search feature
- Mind-blowing filtering options
- Enables Save Search for future reference
- Very affordable
- Guaranteed refund policy
Disadvantages of AdSpy
- No live support
- Timed out searches
- Spammy ads might appear in the search results
Final Words
AdSpy is without a doubt one of the best Social Media Spy Tools in the biz. In truth, AdSpy offers much more than the typical spy tools at a much lesser price. Throw in our fabulous AdSpy Coupon Code and you will be getting a premium tool for pennies.
We are always looking forward to your feedback. Share your AdSpy experiences, ask questions and let’s help each other be better. Plus, share our AdSpy Coupon Code with your friends and family. After all, friends don’t let friends pay full price.